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ProtonVPN on pfsense 2.6.x with WireGuard

Note: this document explains configuring a standard ProtonVPN server, not Secure Core. Though configuring that is probably similar.

In ProtonVPN WireGuard settings, select platform Router, your server of choice, and any optional settings. Click Create when you're done.

You'll see some configuration details generated at the top that looks like this:

    # Key for ProtonVPN WireGuard
    # NetShield = 1
    # Moderate NAT = off
    # VPN Accelerator = on
    PrivateKey = <redacted>
    Address = <redacted>/32
    DNS = <redacted>

    # US-CA#77
    PublicKey = <redacted>
    AllowedIPs =
    Endpoint = <endpoint_ip_of_US-CA#77>:51820

In pfsense, go to VPN > WireGuard.

Click Add Tunnel.

Now you should be in a tunnel configuration screen.


Give a Description like ProtonVPN WireGuard

Listen Port default is 51820

Copy and paste PrivateKey from ProtonVPN config [Interface] to Interface Keys: Private Key

Click Save Tunnel

Now let's add a Peer for the tunnel


Description: give it something that makes sense to you, like the name of the ProtonVPN server
Dynamic Endpoint: uncheck
Endpoint: Endpoint IP from the ProtonVPN config [Peer]
Public Key: PublicKey from the ProtonVPN config [Peer]
Allowed IPs: (this means any traffic is allowed)

Go to Interfaces > Interface Assignments and select Available network ports your newly created tun_wg0 or similar and then click Add

Click the new interface (OPT#) and enter:
Description: something like ProtonVPNWireGuard
IPv4 Configuration Type: Static IPv4
IPv4 Address: the Address in ProtonVPN config [Interface]
IPv4 Upstream gateway: click Add a new gateway and just click Add. You can review settings in System > Routing

Go to Firewall > Rules and set up the rule for the interfaces you want its devices to be always on VPN, such as LAN, WIFI, GUEST, etc..
The rule might look like this


where VPN_Only is my alias for all networks/IPs I want VPN on, any to any traffic, and ProtonVPNWireGuardGW is the Gateway the rule uses to route
Make sure this rule is BELOW a rule you DON'T want traffic to route to VPN i.e. using default gateway e.g.


Similarly you can make rules above this for pfBlocker aliases to allow Netflix traffic to go over the default interface. That may be a future post.

Go to System > Routing > Gateways, and give it a Monitor IP of an internet IP, such as Google's DNS server or

This will allow you to monitor the status of the interface. By default, it would just ping itself which is obviously 100% uptime. You want to see something like this in the dashboard
